Friday, August 10, 2012

25 May 2012

What is it that you see? Do you see the Essence of All in each detail? This is what you should see in All Moments.

But you see with your entire Being, you do not see only with your physical human eyes. Your physical human eyes are designed with Blessed Limitations. Do not confuse these Blessed Limitations with malfunction, defect or prison. The word "limitation" may employ such meanings. Your physical human eyes engage all they are required to engage, and therefore, engage those corresponding required aspects of your human brain. Therefore, a "limited" thing or aspect or sight is, Truly, whole.

You see also with your Heart. In Reality, your Heart sees and realizes more information, and more quickly, than your physical human brain. The energy circumference of your Heart acts as a mechanism to give and receive. All that comes within the circumference is stored for the purposes of assimilation. All that comes within the circumference that is stored beyond the stage of assimilation takes root.

You also see with your Eye of Consciousness. This is your Universal Eye, and it sees All whether you realize it or not. Its circumference is Universal Energy. It is through your Eye of Consciousness that you are entitled to, and benefit from, all information the Universe has made available to you.

When your physical body is at rest, whether through a state of sleep subconsciousness, or meditation (and there is a difference, of course), the Eye of Consciousness relaxes and opens. Your sight through your Eye of Consciousness is as dependable as your sight using your physical human eyes.

As you know, when in a state of sleep subconsciousness, your sight encounters, and therefore delivers unto you, the sorting and organizing of illusions such as fear and pain. It also delivers unto you the sorting and organizing of fractured joy and happiness. These experiences are real, but they are not Real.

And then there is sight in the state of sleep subconsciousness that is Real. This is a Moment of the Eye of Consciousness delivering unto the vast expanse of Allkind.  It is that which the Universe delivers unto you that you will record during this current physical existence. This is not unexpected news to you.

Through mediation, the Eye of Consciousness delivers unto your Reality intended for recordation.

Be at Peace, and Begin.

© Copyright 2012 by Lamp Writer, Inc. All rights reserved.

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